Fishing at Lake Parlin is a time honored tradition that spans the hundred years that people have trekked to the area to do just that. Stepping out of your cabin you’ll be just a few strides within reach of your canoe, with such ease and access you’ll begin to fish within sight of the lodge or you could venture out to the many outlying ponds and streams that surround the Lake Parlin area.
Native Landlocked Salmon and Brook Trout are plentiful in Lake Parlin as well as many of the surrounding backwoods ponds. You will discover the simple joys of how fishing should be on a spring or summer evening, a feeling unsurpassed. The average size fish in the lake are around 12 to 14 inches with an occasional one in the 3 pound range. Lake Parlin is fly only, so be sure to bring along your streamers for trolling or dry flies if you prefer casting on our pristine waters.